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The Island Life - Belize

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3 minutes reading time (609 words)

Find yourself... In the middle of nowhere...

Find yourself... in the middle of nowhere... Find yourself... in the middle of nowhere...

Our need to slow down and become more present in our day-to-day lives is more necessary than ever. Navigating new ways of living have made it more vital to practice healthy balance. 

Getting away can be essential to recharge and re-establish your sense of self. While a simple vacation is a great way to relax, a study published in an article for Transitional Psychiatry found that people who participated in a six-day meditation retreat had fewer bouts of depression and stress-related symptoms. More specifically, yoga retreats are known to improve sleep, quality of life, cardiovascular fitness, anxiety, chronic pain relief, and strengthen the nervous system

With the ability to naturally socially distance, wellness can be practiced with peace of mind. 

Read on to learn about the benefits of wellness travel.

Nature allows you to unwind. Imagine basking in the warm sun, breathing in the clean air, and listening to the quiet breezes. You instantly enrich and reset the senses. Taking the time to be present in nature has shown to reduce the production of cortisol, which is our primary stress hormone.

Disconnect from technology: Unplugging may improve quality of sleep as well as your mood! putting down devices and outside distractors allows you to be fully present. Not many people know this (except our previous guests of course) so it is worth mentioning that one of the unique things about St. George's is that you can truly unplug during your stay. Wi-fi is available in the lounge area so you can check in with loved ones, but the rest of the resort is completely unplugged from the internet and TV. Guests love this quality!

Decompress and release stress: Taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle of life is essential for your mind to recharge. A 2013 study noted that more than 80% of Americans who were surveyed noticed significant drops in stress just after a day or two of traveling.

Spending time with like-minded people: Being surrounded by like-minded people who have similar goals and interests can provide you with encouragement and motivation.

Taking time for yourself: Wellness travel takes you out of your usual routine and mindset and really lets you focus on YOU. Give yourself the freedom to relax, unwind, and recharge. It may inspire you to take time out for yourself far more often than you already do!

Sounds good to us! Even on island time, we all individually take time to pause and take in this pristine land and seascape around us. We hope you join us to do the same!


St. George's Caye Resort is found 7-miles from main-land Belize City. Complimentary transfers are made by boat and once you have landed at BZE International Airport, your valet will have you on the island in just about 30 minutes. Offering an array of adventure, romance, relaxation and SCUBA excursions, this resort is acclaimed for pristine reefs, seclusion and the ability to do as much or as little as one wishes.

Email for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our friendly US based reservation line at +1-507-380-9344 or toll free at 1-800-814-8493. See all of the beautiful information at

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