You’re dreaming about a tropical vacation and you soon find yourself spending hours searching the internet for the perfect little room on the beach. As you explore exotic destinations near and far (Bali! Belize! Hawaii!), drooling over the tropical rooms, some of them over the water, you will no doubt come across a wide array of descriptions, featu...
The Island Life - Belize
21186 Hits
Honeymooners are flocking to Belize in record numbers. Belize is easy to get to - and hard to leave! You can have empty beaches all to yourself, you can dive the Barrier Reef or the Blue Hole, zip through the jungle or fish or snorkel or just do nothing at all! And it's right at your doorstep.
World's Best Honeymoon Destinations
A recent article published by The Telegraph - a UK based newsroom - name 50 best places in the world for honeymoon travel. And Belize certainly made the list! As one of the top places to honeymoon in the world - Belize's own St. George's Caye Resort offers an unforgettable private island experience. Perfect for Honeymooners.
17038 Hits
We're sorry big terrycloth cotton towels - but we're breaking up with you. Your soft, I'll give you that. Your luxurious feel is not to be forgotten. But you're bulky, hard to carry around and you take too long to dry in this humid Caribbean climate. It's not you - it's us. We still love you and take you snorkeling with us - but in the intim...
14389 Hits